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Preserving Our Past, Inspiring Our Future

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Campaign to Build a New RAHS Museum in Randolph

Our original museum, located in the old church, required substantial renovation to bring it up to code. The cost would have been more than building new. The old building has been sold and the land purchased and paid for. The new location is at 4374 292nd Street East.  We are using this opportunity to rebuild the organization itself and we want to engage the community in this effort. We hope to increase membership and the number of volunteers as well as establishing partnerships with local businesses. We will continue to sponsor events that showcase our deep history in both railroads and agriculture

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Construction of the new museum building is estimated to cost $250,000. The Society has already raised more than $150,000 in private donations. The full $300,000 campaign includes essential funds for the transition, exhibit design, and construction. Construction has started.

We are hoping for the project to be finished in July of 2023.


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